Supporting Local Charities in Tough Times

(A Not For Profit Website)

Charities are being hit twice

Many people are struggling. This means that smaller and local charities received nearly 20% less in contributions last year - in addition to the rising costs we are all facing.

Worse still, councils across the country are facing a financial meltdown. They have been forced to drastically cut their support to charities. Once again, it's the smaller and local charities that are being hit the hardest.

Without support, many local and smaller charities may not survive. Just when more people need help - perhaps even for the first time - there may be no one left to turn to.

Google Advertising Revenue 2022

Source: © Statista 2023
£ 0

Commercial Directories have raised their revenue by over 300% in three years

Directory Cost

Source: © LDL Media 2023
£ 0 per month

Cost per click

Source: © LDL Media 2023
£ 0 per lead

Which Got Us Thinking

What if we could 'divert' some of that advertising money and give it to charities?

Would it be possible?

So we thought, why not copy those money-making directories

...EXCEPT we give ALL the profits to charities

People Search For Local Companies

But this way, ALL PROFITS go to charities, rather than the owners of search engines and directories.

Searchers and Companies Benefit!

Finding companies you can trust is getting more and more difficult. What better place to start than a charity-supporting company?

Make A Difference To "Your" Charity

Advertisers can choose who to support and searchers can decide which charity benefits from every search and 'click' they make.

Get Quotes The Easy Way. One Quick Form, Then Relax...

No hassle, no wasted time, no disappointments.

Register (If you want!)

You don't have to - you can still use the directory to search,

But, if you do register, you can promote your charity, benefit from your supporter's searches and increase organisation sponsorship.

Register (If you want!)

You don't have to - you can still use the directory to search,

But, if you do register, you can promote your charity, benefit from your supporter's searches and increase organisation sponsorship.

Please spread the word. It's the best way to increase funding for charites. Thank You!

100% of all profits go to charities.


Latest Organisations To Offer Support

Charity supporting organisations waiting to help you